
AI-enhanced eAssessment: innovating assessment of/for learning with AI and other digital tools

Learn the latest skills

The AI-enhanced eAssessment course is focusing on using AI and other innovative digital tools for summative and formative assessment in the context of teaching various subjects in primary, secondary and vocational schools. The course is targeted for teachers of of pre-schools, primary schools, secondary schools and vocational schools, adult education teachers, special needs teachers, teacher trainers, careers officers, educational guides and counselors, headmasters/principals/managers of schools and organisations offering adult education or vocational education. Some of the main topics that the course covers: key concepts of and alternative approaches to summative and formative assessment using digital tools, composing relevant tasks and test items for eAssessment, designing and conducting assessment of learning outcomes using digital tests, e-portfolios, rubrics, learning contract and more. The participants will be introduced the recent research results and technological innovations in the field of eAssessment, along with some case studies on whole-school change of assessment policies and practices. The special focus is given in challenges and opportunities of using AI in the design and delivery of various types of the assessment process.

The added value of the course is that it offers state-of-the-art, evidence based practical skills that can be implemented right away in the pedagogical practice in classrooms with easy-to use and free software tools. Additionally, the course ‘AI-enhanced eAssessment’ offers opportunity to participation in an experience exchange on EU level and setting up an Erasmus+ or eTwinning project consortium with school from other countries interested in innovating assessment.

Upskill your organization

Target group are the school management, teachers, special education teachers and all other non-teaching experts and staff working in school education, adult education and VET.

The course covers a wide range of topics that schools need to consider and tackle when introducing/updating and securing digitalization of assessment in their school:

  • Explain the key concepts of and alternative approaches to assessment of learning (summative assessment) and assessment for learning (formative assessment) using digital and AI-powered tools
  • Select appropriate digital tools and methods for eAssessment
  • Find and compose relevant tasks/items for eAssessment within his/her subject area
  • Design and conduct assessment of learning outcomes using digital tests
  • Design and conduct assessment for learning using e-portfolios, rubrics, learning contracts, Learning Analytics and AI-tools
  • Design self-, peer- and group assessment activities using gamification, location-based outdoor learning games and Open Badges Planning and implementing an AI-enhanced eAssessment innovation on the classroom and school level 

The course methodology combines sharing of up-to-date, evidence-based information with practical group activities and discussions. The final project involves working in groups on a concrete eAssessment solution to be used in your own school or international Erasmus/eTwinning project.

Earn a certificate

The course participants will get a Certificate of Active Attendance.

The competences acquired will be validated by the course organisers on the Europass mobility.

What makes Euneos the leading course provider in Europe?

Euneos consistently rises to the challenge, empowering our clients with a wide selection of outstanding courses. We're committed to delivering excellence that meets the Quality Standards for courses under Key Action 1 and Rules of application, Annex I - Erasmus Quality Standards, as required by the European Commission.

On-site courses

The AI-enhanced eAssessment on-site courses take place in Madeira Institute of Interactive Technologies, Funchal, Portugal. The AI-enhanced eAssessment are 7 day courses that start on Sunday afternoon and end on Saturday at 13:00 o'clock.

> on-site course programme

> planned courses

  • CONFIRMED 9 - 15 March 2025, Funchal Madeira, Portugal

> course fees

Euneos has an international team of trainers who are the most experienced in the field of their expertise. Meet Euneos' trainers for the AI-enhanced eAssessment: innovating assessment of/for learning with AI and other digital tools course:

Main organiser / trainer

Mart Laanpere, PhD  

  • Professor at Tallinn University, Estonia
  • Head of the R&D Centre for Educational Technology in Tallinn University 
  • Former mathematics and physics teacher and school principal
  • Member of board of course provider Euneos, Finland 

After working as a mathematics & physics teacher and school principal, he has been involved in teacher education and educational technology research for last 20 years. Mart has been contributing to international research projects focusing on the use of mobile technology and social software in teaching and learning. He is coordinating the training of school teams in the project “Digital Turn towards 1:1 Computing” funded by Samsung (; and expert in school digital innovation and change. 

Hans Põldoja, PhD  

  • Associate professor in educational technology in Tallinn University, expert in Open Educational Resources and Open Badges in education 

Nuno Correia, PhD 

  •  Researcher at the Madeira Institute of Interactive Technologies, expert in human-computer interaction. 

Euneos choice of venues is based on two essentials: delivering professionalism and assuring personal well-being in order to warrant enjoyable course experience.

Madeira Institute of Interactive Technologies, Funchal, Portugal

> practical information (venue, accommodation, transport etc.)

>Additional Trainer's Practical Information